Christophe Morin
Christophe Morin, cello

Christophe Morin


"Christophe Morin is a cellist with brilliant technique and an outstanding sound. His musical expression is intense, and his rich, impetuous, and passionate character immediately captures our attention." This assessment by a master like Roland Pidoux best defines the talent and dedication of Christophe Morin.

Christophe Morin's musical journey is a testament to his exceptional talent and dedication. He embarked on his cello journey at the tender age of 5, guided by his mother. At 17, he achieved a remarkable feat, winning the First Prize in cello unanimously at the CNSMD in Paris under the tutelage of Roland Pidoux, and the First Prize in chamber music under Christian Ivaldi. His journey continued to flourish as he was admitted to the advanced class, winning awards from the Natexis Foundation and the Charles Oulmont Foundation. His thirst for knowledge led him to attend master classes with János Starker, Mstislav Rostropovich, and Yo-Yo Ma, who offered him the opportunity for private lessons.

Today, Christophe Morin performs with internationally renowned soloists such as Renaud Capuçon and Jérôme Ducros, with whom he recorded a live album of Schubert's Trio Op. 100. He also collaborates with Nicholas Angelich, Augustin Dumay, Jean-Marc Luisada, David Grimal, and the Modigliani Quartet. After a challenging battle lasting over ten years following surgery that required him to play with a glove, he continues to perfect his art alongside researchers, demonstrating his boundless passion for music and his instrument.

The trio he forms with violinist Sarah Nemtanu and pianist Jean-Frédéric Neuburger, "Compass Trio," performs in major French venues—their Louvre Museum concert broadcast live on Medici.TV was particularly well-received.

He is a guest at prestigious festivals, sharing the stage with pianist Éric Lesage and soloists from the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (Guy Braunstein, Daishin Kashimoto, Amihai Grosz, Emmanuel Pahud, Paul Meyer). He is also a member of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, with which he tours the world under the direction of great conductors like Claudio Abbado and Daniel Harding.

Deeply committed to the chamber music scene, Christophe Morin also pursues a career as a soloist. He is invited as a solo cellist with the European Camerata, a string orchestra comprised mainly of the most brilliant members of the London Symphony Orchestra and the National Orchestra of France, as well as with David Grimal and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra.

Christophe Morin's passion for chamber music extends beyond his performances. In 2010, he took a significant step in his career by creating the '3 Days in May' festival on Ré Island. This festival, which he has directed since 2012 with Sarah Nemtanu, has become a platform for showcasing the best of chamber music, leaving a lasting impact on the music scene.