Natalia Kucháeva
Natalia Kucháeva, piano

Natalia Kucháeva


Noted by critics for "a formidable technique, delicacy and exquisite sensitivity", pianist Natalia Kucháeva has won prizes in competitions, such as the Anton Rubinstein in Paris, the José Iturbi (Valencia), the Alexandr Scriabin in Grosetto (Italy) and the Ettlingen and Pianale (Germany). She studied at the School of Music affiliated with the P.I. Tchaikovsky State Conservatory (Moscow), at the Gnessin Academy and School of Music of Lucerne (Switzerland), with Vladimir Tropp and Konstantin Lifschitz.

Recently she finished the Master of Lied "Victoria de los Ángeles" at the ESMUC in Barcelona graduation with an honorary degree. For 10 years she was a piano répétiteur of opera at the Teatro de la Maestranza in Seville, and has participated in festivals and performed in Bienal de Flamenco 2020 (Seville), Rafael Orozco Festival (Cordoba), Classic Autumn Festival (Lisbon), Bösendorfer House (Switzerland), Steingraber House (Germany), Petruzelli Theater (Italy), Teatro de la Maestranza (Seville), Tenerife Auditorium, Bolshoi Hall (Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory) and Act City Concert Hall (Japan), and she forms a piano duo with Jorge Lechado.

Recent highlights include performances at the Federico García Lorca International Poetry Prize ceremony, in the Manuel de Falla Auditorium in Granada, with the presence of the Prince and Princess of Asturias. She is a visiting professor at the Galamian International Academy in Malaga, where she teaches the Brainin Method: "Development of musical intellect".

Since 2022 she has been a repertoire teacher at the "Alfredo Kraus" Singing Chair at the Reina Sofía Superior School of Music in Madrid.